Drei Türme im Montafon | © Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Stefan Kothner

Current information for the Golm in the Montafon

Weather, webcams, open lifts and snow report on Golm


No matter whether it is in the summer or winter - with our weather webcams from Golm, you are right in the middle of things and always receive live images. See for yourself!

Position 2.028
Humidity 70%
Wind S / E 11 km/h
Live data from 22:10
Position 2.103 m
Humidity 70%
Wind S / E 11 km/h
Live data from 22:10
Alpine-Coaster-Golm im Montafon | © Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Stefan Kothner

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Current weather and weather forecast on Erlebnisberg Golm

Discover the current mountain weather on Erlebnisberg Golm in the Montafon. Our weather forecast also shows you the weather for the coming days. And by the way, we don’t have bad weather! After all, our various activities are fun in almost any weather!

Monday, 14.10.2024

A fair early morning, later increasing cloudiness and frequent showers.
Sunshine hours: 3 Stunden
Sunrise: 07:38 Uhr
Sunset: 18:34 Uhr
Precipitation amount: 4,20 mm
Probability of rain: 65 %
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    S / E 5 km/h
  • Sun
    3 Hours
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    W 0 km/h
  • Sun
    3 Hours
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    S 5 km/h
  • Sun
    3 Hours


  • Tuesday, 15.10.2024

    Sunny in the early morning, but soon clouds will gather and will lead to light rain towards evening.
    9 / 19 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      1 Hours
    • Sunrise
      07:40 o'clock
    • Sunset
      18:32 o'clock
    • Precipitation amount
      1,0 mm
    • Probability of rain
      40 %
  • Wednesday, 16.10.2024

    Sunny and cloudy periods will alternate throughout the day.
    10 / 20 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      3 Hours
    • Sunrise
      07:41 o'clock
    • Sunset
      18:31 o'clock
    • Precipitation amount
      0,0 mm
    • Probability of rain
      5 %
  • Thursday, 17.10.2024

    Rather cloudy in the morning, then sunny spells will develop gradually.
    11 / 21 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      5 Hours
    • Sunrise
      07:42 o'clock
    • Sunset
      18:29 o'clock
    • Precipitation amount
      0,0 mm
    • Probability of rain
      20 %
Last update: 14.10.2024, 22:00 o’clock

Open facilities

Currently open on Erlebnisberg Golm

During the winter time you find here all of our currently open lifts, pistes and descents at a glance. In summer the status of the Golmerbahn and our attractions. You find an overview of our opening times here.

Last update: 14.10.2024, 10:45 o'clock

Type Given name Status
Golmerbahn I
Golmerbahn II
Type Given name Status
Golmerbahn III
Given name Length Status
Alpine-Coaster-Golm 2,6 km
Golmi’s Forschungspfad
Given name Length Status

Erlebnisberg Golm hike map

Our summer panorama gives you an impression of our region at the beginning of the Montafon. 


Aktuelle Wetterbedingungen am Bewegungsberg Golm im Montafon


Webcams Bewegungsberg Golm Montafon

Current situation


2.103 m, Vandans

Open facilities Golm


3 from 3 open Lifts
0 from 0 open Pistes
0 from 0 open Toboggan runs
0 from 0 open Cross-country ski trails
0 from 0 open Winter hiking trails
4 from 4 open Other


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus hic illo, neque obcaecati sit temporibus voluptatem voluptatum. Aspernatur eos nisi omnis quasi quia quis, reprehenderit sed temporibus. Aliquid, corporis harum illo incidunt minus molestiae, molestias, quam ratione reprehenderit suscipit ut.

Buy your ticket

Your Montafon Brandnertal Card


We are happy to provide further assistance

You can reach us via telephone or Email from:

Monday to Friday 08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.

T. +43 5556 701 83167
E-Mail info@gsl-tourismus.at